Human Empowerment For Social Integration (HESI) Manipur envisioned a welfare society where poorest of the poor and weaker section of the society could enjoy with full justice and democratic values in life. HESI is a non-profit organisation, under the society registration No. 1494/SR of 1975 (M) and which was established on 2nd June, 2006. HESI as an effective partner with the community envisages a sustainable society towards the fulfillment of peoples health, economic, education and gender justice, integration, peace and harmony.
Area of the Operation: Whole Manipur
Aim & Objectivies:
a) To create a sense of brotherhood, co-operation, mutual harmony, love and affections among the members of the society and among the general public for accelerating communal, national and interanational integrity, peace, promote and preserve culture.
b) To arrange and organise various welfare programmes for children, youth, women, handicapped, disabilities, poor to uplift their status to the society.
c) To open or setup information and library centres, study and research centres and other relevant useful centre.
d) To improve agriculture, horticulture, sericulture, animal husbandry, social forestry, animal welfare programmes and allied fields to uplift the economic of poor people.
e) To provide disaster management programme, relief and rehabilitation to the community affected by natural calamities.
f) To open residential, non-residential school, non-formal education, adult education and construct hostel for working women, workshed, orphanage home, short stay home for destitute women, take care centre for aged, creche centre, village link road, low cost housing, low cost latin, etc.
g) To open de-addiction centre, rehabilitation and prevention of HIV/AIDS, rural health service centre, counselling centre etc.
h) To undertake, promote and develop study, survey, research, rural technology, technology transfer, to published periodical journal etc.
i) To organise youth leadership training, entrepreneurship development programme, campaigns, seminars, conference, workshop, meeting and symposium in furtherance of the project.
j) To undertake the consumer welfare programme, road safety programmes, human rights awareness programmes, legal awarness programmes, social service camp, etc.
k) The provide drinking water for the rural and hill masses by using tradition water system, rain water harvesting programme etc.
l) The preserve and protect rare species of wildlifes, animals, plants, fishes, ecological and environment.
m) To conduct various vocational training programme in handloom and handicrafts, cane and bamboo, embroidery, computer development etc and to established KVI programme and marketing of rural products.
n) To promote self help group to improve socio-economic of the rural poor women.
o) To raise funds by means of subcription fee from the members and public, charity, also seek financial assistance from the Bank/Institute as well as from the State, Central Government and funding Agencies abroad.
p) To establish Global partnership for a common cause and for the achievement of the objectives.